Web Design
Nftea Land
In the middle of the Web3 frenzy, I was tasked to create the front-end experience of a little minigame that gave you the opportunity to get a limited collection NFT, making homage to the all-famous AriZona drink.
As a designer that loves tech, I was already really focused on how NFTs were transforming the digital landscapes, giving artist a real way of monetizing their artworks.
We wanted to create something funny, memorable and focused on the experience, so I used Webflow to create the entire experience where people had to click different parts of the interactive image to discover clues about the project.
I wanted to create something that people could remember. With a focus on the musing and the experience, I managed to create something that could easily come from a big budget marketing campaign. And I am extremely proud of it :)
Many challenges were faced but one stands out from the others: the website had to display different graphics following the time of the day of the person visiting the page. So, a person that looks at the website at 10pm in Madrid, Spain had a different experience than one at the same time in Australia, for example. Javascript was used here to create those variables and the result is incredible.
An entire clickable experience that transports you to the NFTea Land world, powered by Webflow (and a tiny bit of code)
Take a look at the project here: